They (I'm not sure Who exactly) always say that our lives have turning points. These can be good, bad, bring on big or small changes, but they are points that do change our lives. This weekend I had one of those turning points.
The blog this picture is from is awesome! Click on it to go to the link. |
I've always been overweight. Well, since I was 5, you see I was very small from birth-5 years old but I had a lot of health problems. I didn't talk until later and I couldn't hear very well. I was always sick with ear infections. When I was 5 my doctors decided that I needed tubes put in and my tonsils and adenoids removed. Ever since then I have gained wait and haven't been able to loose it easily. In high school I was fit. I ate healthy, played tennis, softball, and ran track. I played in the marching band. I was social. I was tested for different things but no one could figure out why I was overweight. I just figured it was meant to be.
Throughout freshman I did the typical late nights, junk food, drinking things. Once I moved out of the dorms things got better because I cooked my own food and wasn't surrounded by temptation. I also became less social. I don't make friends very easily (I'm very picky) and I'm not a big drinker (alcoholism runs in my family). I didn't participate in Greek life, inter-mural sports and such. I went to class, and came home. I joined a few groups for the College of Ed but nothing active.
If you're still reading hang in there, a point is coming! This past weekend I stayed at my apartment. Alone. Granted part of it was my choice, my parents went to our cabin on Thursday but I had to work Friday and with traffic and gas I didn't want to waste the time and money. I picked up shifts at my library and worked. I couldn't help but think this isn't normal. People I knew from high school and college were out on lakes, drinking or not, having fun with friends. Enjoying the weather. I wanted that. So I'm making a change.
I'm not going to be radical. I'm not expecting drastic results right away but I want to feel happy again. I'm moving to Las Vegas in 49 days and am starting a new chapter in my life. I want to feel good when I move. I want to meet new friends and love my job and I don't want my weight to hold me back. So this is my plan.
1) Doing and sticking with the C25K Plan. This is very attainable.
2) Lifting weights at least 5 days a week. Either videos or learning how to myself (This is very scary to me so if you have any pointers please tell me!)
3) Only eating out once a week and making it semi-healthy.
4) Tracking ALL my calories on Myfitness pal. If you're on add me
@ElleHattan5) No Soda!! Even though I drink diet I just feel like it makes me drag and I don't like the chemicals in it.
I'm also getting financially fit with
Dave Ramsey's Financial Peace University. I'm hoping this will help me start to pay off my loans and plan for my future.
I think these are good goals to start with... now the hard part, being accountable! I know I can do it though and I really want to feel better about myself.
Sorry for the long post!!