Sunday, November 18, 2012

Sunday Social: Thankfulness

I have to say I'm SO HAPPY that Blogger finally got their act together and fixed the issues! I'm back to blogging and it feels so good ;)

I'm linking up with the Sunday Social girls today and they are doing things a little differently. Instead of questions we just say what we are THANKFUL for! After the past few weeks I've been having this is a great post to remind myself just how blessed I am.

 I'm THANKFUL For...
  •  My Family. My parents are my rock, my sister is ALWAYS there for me and my brother has the best sarcastic sense of humor. 

  • I'm so lucky for my 2nd families. I miss them OH SO MUCH but being able to talk to them on a weekly basis helps. They have done so much for me in so many ways! We have so many memories and I am so blessed that they welcomed me into their families <3

  •  I have 3 jobs. I teach 3rd grade, tutor, and work at Old Navy. I'm so lucky to have these jobs and love all of them, no matter how stressful & tiring it can get. I am able to support myself and am thankful that my parents raised me to be such a hard worker. 
  •  My friends. I don't have a ton but the ones I do have are the best. We are the type where we don't have to talk everyday but when we do it's like we never missed a beat. I'm lucky to have so many different experiences with them from high school to weddings to internships and now teaching together. I can go to them for any kind of advice and know things will work out ok. 

  •  I'm incredibly blessed to have the opportunity to move away. I'm so thankful I didn't get "stuck" in my hometown and not experience the world. I've been all over Europe, Jamaica, Aruba, and now living in Las Vegas. I'm proud to say I'm a world traveler and do love traveling. 
  • Technology is amazing. Listening to free songs on Pandora, skyping with my family and friends, having the Iphone and all the amazingness that comes with it. It's made my move so much easier and life as well!
  • Bloggy Friends! I've met so many wonderful women through blogging and feel so encouraged when I'm having a bad day. I hope to meet some of you in real life! Jenn & Leslie get your butts out here!

Psalm 95:1-6 - O Come, let us sing for joy to the LORD; Let us shout joyfully to the rock of our salvation. Let us come before His presence with thanksgiving; Let us shout joyfully to Him with psalms.

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1 comment:

  1. Great things to be thankful! I totally forgot technology! I don't think I could fuction with out it!


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