Wow, what a crazy semester it's been!! I've recently talked to my friend Mrs. Christine Webb (it feels so weird to put "Mrs"!) and she said how she hasn't seen me blog in awhile... which I havent so here is some funny things that my kids have done/said. I'm in a 1st/2nd grade split classroom in Lansing.
1) There is a little boy, Pheonix, who became very attached to me right away. Pheonix is one of the sweetest boys I know. He always listens, helps when there is a substitute, and thinks the world of my CT and I. Well we were recently making holiday gift lists and on his list Pheonix had put the word "Mom". When I asked him about this he explained that he didn't have a Mom and wanted one, he then asked if I could be his Mom!! I explained that no, I couldn't because I'm his teacher but I'll always be there to support him. He had a heartbroken look on his face but understood. After school Pheonix's Dad came to pick him up and Pheonix goes, "Daddy! This is Miss Elle... ok I have to go now" and he went outside to play. Pheonix's dad then goes, "oh he talks about you all the time, he adores you...etc". Pheonix comes back in and goes, "Ok Miss Elle isn't my Dad awesome! Now can you be my Mommy?" Needless to say Pheonix is still trying...
2) Last week I came into the class after being away for a week because of Thanksgiving. I colored my hair from blonde to dark brown and the kids hadn't seen it. I go into the class and they said, "Whoa! Miss Elle you look so young!" I asked them how old they thought I was and they said 25. I'm 22...
3) Before Thanksgiving we had a substitute. She wasn't very kind and didn't care about the student's routine (my kids are very much about their routine). So in the afternoon I was trying to help her by saying we go outside for afternoon recess at 2:30 for about 20 min and then come in and I read "Junie B" till 3:20 when the bell rings. Being so cold outside the students take about 10 min to get all their snow gear on so we dismissed the students at 2:20. We stayed outside till 2:50 and she had all the students take off all their outside gear! One of the students,Chad, says "Miss Elle, why do we have to take all our stuff off and put it back on in 10 min?" I simply replied because thats what the sub wanted. Chad then proceeds to go to the substitute and say "you put on all this stuff and sit out side for 5 min. Then come in, take it off and put it back on again in another 10 min... see how you like it!" It was so funny I had to hide in the closet to laugh! Needless to say... she hasn't been back to sub!
4) This past week I was telling my students how I was having friends over and we were all going to wear ugly Christmas sweaters. That particular day I had on a red tshirt with a dark green sweater. Julie (a student who ALWAYS wears Hana Montana clothes) then asks if I was practicing my outfit for the party. Guess I'm not as cool as Hana Montana.
Friday, December 10, 2010
Wednesday, September 1, 2010
My Day of Birth--22 Years later
Do you remember what you were doing on August 31, 1988?? Most of you probably weren't born or maybe a few months old. Well, that day is my birthday which means that yesterday was my special day!!
If you did the math (or just read the title) you figured out that I am now 22 years old. 11 x 2 or 21 done again. Needless to say it wasn't a big deal for me. Birthdays have never been huge in my family, maybe a few friends over and a cake if you wanted it. And that is exactly how I celebrated. On monday my mom, younger sister, and I went shopping at the Howell Outlet Mall and got new clothes and went out to dinner. On my actual birthday I went out to dinner with really good friends and had a few drinks. One of my roommates asked if I had wished for a big party or a bar crawl and my answer was.... No. I'm simple. I lead a simple life. I love the few friends who I'm close too and they were there. I also received many birthday wishes on facebook which reminds me how awesome my life is.
So another year older, another year blessed by God, and here's to another year equally as lucky if not more!
God rocks and we roll <3
If you did the math (or just read the title) you figured out that I am now 22 years old. 11 x 2 or 21 done again. Needless to say it wasn't a big deal for me. Birthdays have never been huge in my family, maybe a few friends over and a cake if you wanted it. And that is exactly how I celebrated. On monday my mom, younger sister, and I went shopping at the Howell Outlet Mall and got new clothes and went out to dinner. On my actual birthday I went out to dinner with really good friends and had a few drinks. One of my roommates asked if I had wished for a big party or a bar crawl and my answer was.... No. I'm simple. I lead a simple life. I love the few friends who I'm close too and they were there. I also received many birthday wishes on facebook which reminds me how awesome my life is.
So another year older, another year blessed by God, and here's to another year equally as lucky if not more!
God rocks and we roll <3
Wednesday, August 18, 2010
If You Really Knew Me
If You Really Knew Me, You would know that....
God is my number 1 and I put everything in his hands
I can't fall asleep without noise
Every year my sister and I sleep in the same bed on Christmas Eve
I HATE change, even small ones
I love children
I'm scared of being alone and not having a family
I've been a babysitter, sandwhich artist, ice cream scooper and worked at a hair salon
I have very few close friends
My parents are wealthy... I am not
I struggle with my weight everyday
I love MSU
I put my whole heart into everyone and everything... it gets me hurt alot
I love 90's music
I have a huge family and we always have a good time
I grew up with no grandparents and miss them deeply
I hate it when people don't know what they want
I often feel taken advantage of and the only thing holding me back is my looks
I've never been in a wedding
My mom and sister are my best friends
I cry a lot at night
I love to cook
I've seen Taylor Swift 3 times
God Rocks and We Roll
God is my number 1 and I put everything in his hands
I can't fall asleep without noise
Every year my sister and I sleep in the same bed on Christmas Eve
I HATE change, even small ones
I love children
I'm scared of being alone and not having a family
I've been a babysitter, sandwhich artist, ice cream scooper and worked at a hair salon
I have very few close friends
My parents are wealthy... I am not
I struggle with my weight everyday
I love MSU
I put my whole heart into everyone and everything... it gets me hurt alot
I love 90's music
I have a huge family and we always have a good time
I grew up with no grandparents and miss them deeply
I hate it when people don't know what they want
I often feel taken advantage of and the only thing holding me back is my looks
I've never been in a wedding
My mom and sister are my best friends
I cry a lot at night
I love to cook
I've seen Taylor Swift 3 times
God Rocks and We Roll
Tuesday, August 17, 2010
Love & Other Drugs
So the title of my blog is a movie title, I just saw the preview on youtube and it looks really good. But it also relates to a relationship that i'm in right now and it might be the wake up call that I need.
In the movie the main character is on the fast track of life, making good money, sleeping with a lot of women, and a huge charmer and flirt. Then there's the main woman character (anne hathaway-love!!!) who doesn't put up with his crap charming lines and he starts to fall for her. That describes me and my friend Patrick. He is a charmer, all the ladies love him, and I don't put up with his crap... but he's not falling... at least that I know of. In fact he kind of uses me, for my kindness and friendship, which i wouldn't mind if he reciprocated, but of course he doesn't. So i started counting all the times that I've been there for him, supported him and showed a general interest. It was a good friendly amount. Now the times that he's done it... i can count on one hand.
Then I realized that while he may do this, God never will. His love is never ending and always guiding me. He is always there for me and HIS word is always near me. He must have put Patrick in my life for a reason, even if I have to be the good friend and that's it.
So while life may never seem what it is... there is always a plan.
God Rocks and We Roll
In the movie the main character is on the fast track of life, making good money, sleeping with a lot of women, and a huge charmer and flirt. Then there's the main woman character (anne hathaway-love!!!) who doesn't put up with his crap charming lines and he starts to fall for her. That describes me and my friend Patrick. He is a charmer, all the ladies love him, and I don't put up with his crap... but he's not falling... at least that I know of. In fact he kind of uses me, for my kindness and friendship, which i wouldn't mind if he reciprocated, but of course he doesn't. So i started counting all the times that I've been there for him, supported him and showed a general interest. It was a good friendly amount. Now the times that he's done it... i can count on one hand.
Then I realized that while he may do this, God never will. His love is never ending and always guiding me. He is always there for me and HIS word is always near me. He must have put Patrick in my life for a reason, even if I have to be the good friend and that's it.
So while life may never seem what it is... there is always a plan.
God Rocks and We Roll
Friday, August 13, 2010
So I'm terrible at blogging... really terrible and hopefully now that I have a job where I sit at the computer for 5 hrs I will become more frequent and not write a novel every time! Given that, this will be a longer blog but hopefully you'll enjoy!
So you may or may not know but for the last 4 summers I have been a counselor at a church camp called Wesley Woods. It's located in the small village of Dowling, MI and is surrounded by woods and a lake. It's full of bugs (especially on humid days), llamas, and kids. It is a week long and there are 220 kids plus 40 staff members. We have to hike up 45 stairs at least 4 times a day to go from our cabins to our activities. The days are long and the nights short. This is my Paradise!
Now for those that do know me, you're probably thinking "what the heck". I am not a nature girl. I don't like camping. I like to shower everyday and would rather save my money to spend on air conditioning then to go to a movie. But that one week of the year, that muddy, buggy camp is my paradise.
This past year at camp was different from the rest. We lost 15 members of previous years staff due to life changing ( We missed you tons Kate!!). We were scrambling until the last minute to find counselors and then when God said here is your last one... Nick broke his ankle while us staff got to mountain board. So the day before the kids arrive we are short 2 male counselors. We worked through it though with God's guidance and Shane being amazing!! I was especially nervous this year because I had 5th,6th and 7th grade girls (previous years all my girls were under the age of 8). I also had a new counselor who had never been to camp before and she was a mom... not that that's bad but i'm a college student at MSU... what would we have in common and i had to spend a whole week with her.
Well, needless to say I was completely wrong. My girls were amazing... Edna (my co-counselor mom) and I were able to discuss deeper subjects with them and helped a girl accept Christ as her life!! Edna was amazing! We had so much fun together and made great co-counselors! We scared the boy cabin next to us too!! It was probably the best year, despite all the mishaps!!
The best thing about camp is that it reconnects you with God. You are away from life for 1 whole week, surrounded by people who worship and praise just like you and support you through anything. You are responsible for 220 kids who look to you for advice on everything and anything ( I found out that fish drink water!) and you have the most moving experience with God and just chat with him all the time!
During the week we studied Job and I came across this verse, "He prays to God and finds favor with him, he sees God's face and shouts for joy; he is restored by God to his righteous state. "Job 33:26
This describes the week perfectly, he pray and reconnect with God and in return he fills you with so much joy it is uncontainable! I hope that everyone is able to feel this uncontainable joy and if you want any camp stories just ask!!
God Rocks and we Roll :)
So you may or may not know but for the last 4 summers I have been a counselor at a church camp called Wesley Woods. It's located in the small village of Dowling, MI and is surrounded by woods and a lake. It's full of bugs (especially on humid days), llamas, and kids. It is a week long and there are 220 kids plus 40 staff members. We have to hike up 45 stairs at least 4 times a day to go from our cabins to our activities. The days are long and the nights short. This is my Paradise!
Now for those that do know me, you're probably thinking "what the heck". I am not a nature girl. I don't like camping. I like to shower everyday and would rather save my money to spend on air conditioning then to go to a movie. But that one week of the year, that muddy, buggy camp is my paradise.
This past year at camp was different from the rest. We lost 15 members of previous years staff due to life changing ( We missed you tons Kate!!). We were scrambling until the last minute to find counselors and then when God said here is your last one... Nick broke his ankle while us staff got to mountain board. So the day before the kids arrive we are short 2 male counselors. We worked through it though with God's guidance and Shane being amazing!! I was especially nervous this year because I had 5th,6th and 7th grade girls (previous years all my girls were under the age of 8). I also had a new counselor who had never been to camp before and she was a mom... not that that's bad but i'm a college student at MSU... what would we have in common and i had to spend a whole week with her.
Well, needless to say I was completely wrong. My girls were amazing... Edna (my co-counselor mom) and I were able to discuss deeper subjects with them and helped a girl accept Christ as her life!! Edna was amazing! We had so much fun together and made great co-counselors! We scared the boy cabin next to us too!! It was probably the best year, despite all the mishaps!!
The best thing about camp is that it reconnects you with God. You are away from life for 1 whole week, surrounded by people who worship and praise just like you and support you through anything. You are responsible for 220 kids who look to you for advice on everything and anything ( I found out that fish drink water!) and you have the most moving experience with God and just chat with him all the time!
During the week we studied Job and I came across this verse, "He prays to God and finds favor with him, he sees God's face and shouts for joy; he is restored by God to his righteous state. "Job 33:26
This describes the week perfectly, he pray and reconnect with God and in return he fills you with so much joy it is uncontainable! I hope that everyone is able to feel this uncontainable joy and if you want any camp stories just ask!!
God Rocks and we Roll :)
Monday, June 7, 2010
Procrastination. By Webster's dictionary it means: delay or postpone action; put off doing something. Which I completely agree with. And being a college girl and in summer classes I thought that this was a very applicable topic. So here is a list of different procrastination activities that you can do.... unfortunately I have done lots of them tonight... I have a psychology exam tomorrow :(
How to Procrastinate...
1) Facebook
2) Blog
3) Make a home cooked meal
4) Visit apartment office and talk with friends
5) Make cookies
6) Clean apartment... every room
7) Do dishes and laundry
8) Shower
9) Do other *homework*
10) Watch t.v./movie... say its for class!
11) Call family members
12) Work (full time jobs are the best!)
13) Workout
14) Change computer around (desktop, screen saver, organization stuff)
15) Just talk with friends and go out and drink!!!
Monday, May 31, 2010
Cutloose... Footloose :)

Saturday, May 29, 2010
Update Time
So it's been about 2 months since my last blog... terrible I know! But here's the update on things... and hopefully my blogging will be more consistent!
This past semester of school flew by! I feel like this is happening more the closer I get to graduation. Which by the way, I am on perfect track to graduate next year! YAY!!!.... then a full year of unpaid internship (boo) but invaluable experience and Master's classes at an Undergrad rate ( YAY!!!). I think that part of the reason this last semester flew is that I took a few classes that I absolutely loved. One of them was Teaching and Technology. It was such an amazing class, not only did I learn a ton, but I also discovered different ways to find out about future technology... plus I met a really cute boy so that's always a plus ;)
I have officially been at my work for 2 years now! It doesn't seem like its been that long. My bosses said I'm doing great which is always nice to hear. While I love the company I work for, my job isn't the greatest for my schedule in the fall... we shall see what happens!
One of the greatest things that is happening very soon is one of my best friends, Kelsey, is coming home from Florida!! We were roommates in the fall, but then she got accepted into the Disney internship program and was there for the last 5 months!! I've missed her incredibly and her and my other roommate, Amy, and I make 3's company... It'll be so good to have her back!!!
So that's pretty much the dl (down low) for now... I hope everyone has had a fantastic Memorial Day Weekend :)
Elle, The Everyday College Girl
Tuesday, March 2, 2010
Biggest Loser Update
Whoo Hoo Whoo HOO I'm down 12 pounds in a month!!! The competition at my apartment complex ended and I won it!! I received this great yoga mat, Jillian Michaels and Juliane Hough work out dvd's, a $25 giftcard to meijers and a BPA free water bottle!!! I'm definitely motivated to keep losing... my motivation is my brother's wedding in October :D. If you have any advice or success stories let me know!!
Tuesday, February 2, 2010
Biggest Loser Time
So, My apartment complex has just started a biggest loser competition. I signed up. I'm incredibly scared. I've always been overweight, well not always but for over half my life. It's attributed to genetics, a metabolism disorder, and plain gluttony and laziness. I've always wanted to lose weight but never had the ambition/will power to. I'm hoping that this will kick my butt! I have to weigh in every friday so I'll try to keep my progress posted! So does anyone have any advice? I don't have a trainer and plan on running. I want to do the chicago half marathon with my family in August! So wish me luck!!
biggest loser,
weight loss
Monday, January 18, 2010
The perfect moment in time
Ever since I was little I have believed that there are perfect moments in time. I'm not sure if its growing up on Disney fairytales, or always seeing romantic comedies but these moments in time are very special when they happen. I've had a few of these moments, my first kiss, getting accepted to Michigan State, graduation. As I've gotten older and begin to feel more comfortable in my own skin these perfect moments aren't so cliche. For instance, right now I'm in sweatpants, sitting on my roommates bed, eating dinner and watching the bachelor. This is a perfect moment for me. I'm happy, I'm myself, I'm in great company. I feel like so many of these moments get passed away when we're young because we're so focused on having the perfect fairytale story, when in reality it doesn't exist. Live for the moment, live in the moment, and enjoy every single aspect about your life.
Tuesday, January 12, 2010
First Few Days of School
So this is the first week back school. It's been surreal because i only have 2 semesters left after this! I'm excited for this semester because it is a little bit of a lighter load but still have some good credits. This is my schedule:
Mondays: work 7:30-3:30 then class
Tuesday: Class from 9am-7pm
Wednesday: Work
Thursday: class from 12-2
Friday: Work
So while I have something everyday it is a little lighter and not as stressful.
Sorry I don't have much to write tonight... My most favorite people in the world are over and we're having a girls night :)
Mondays: work 7:30-3:30 then class
Tuesday: Class from 9am-7pm
Wednesday: Work
Thursday: class from 12-2
Friday: Work
So while I have something everyday it is a little lighter and not as stressful.
Sorry I don't have much to write tonight... My most favorite people in the world are over and we're having a girls night :)
Sunday, January 3, 2010
First Blog!!
So this is my first blog. I'm writing this because I've figured out that everyone's life is different but it helps to read what others are going through. This is for any girl who is in college or in their 18-26 age range (or older or younger if it applies) who might be going through the same things I am. I'll blog about family, school, health, friends, everything in life. I'm not witty or cunning but I'll be honest and tell it how it is.
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