The other day I was
telling venting to a friend about my summer job. You see, I'm a nanny and the mom I babysit for was trying to only pay me $5/hour for 2 kids! After I was done venting, this friend was dumbfounded. Not at the fact that I was going to get paid $5/hour but that I wanted more!
This made me upset, and in typical "me" fashion I hung up the phone so I wouldn't say something I would regret. Later my friend called me back and asked me to explain why I felt the need to get paid more when all I had to do was sit the kids in front of the tv, give them PB& J sandwiches and color. Well let me tell you... that is the farthest thing from what I actually do. So I decided to make a post about what a GOOD Nanny does. For this story all names have been changed.
This summer I am nannying for 2 kids, Cayden and Sarah. Cayden is 6 and Sarah is 4. I babysit them 5 days/week for 10 hours each day. I am with them a lot!
While they look adorable, they are full of sass, spunk and energy! They are always on the move, HATE naps, love swimming but don't have much interaction with kids. As their nanny, it is my responsibility to show them how to act like decent human beings, teach them manners, and so many other things.
Our days are filled with photo shoots, putting on lots of sunscreen, swimming, picnic lunches, making new friends, and spending time at the park.
By the time we come home we do have chill time. I allow them to watch 1 hour of t.v or technology time. The rest of the day is spent doing makeup, playing leggos, coloring, and doing chores.
I never leave a dish in the sink, a blanket unfolded, or pillows on the floor. Even if it is what I come to in the morning.
I make them breakfast, lunch and dinner. I'm teaching them how to read, how to swim, and how to be respectful to everyone (even if they don't want to). It's fixing boo-boos, giving hugs, and being there to listen to their problems (p.s it is major drama that a BRATZ doll is being discontinued!)
We have fun and some days are better than most. But on those bad days we make ice cream sundaes and call it a win.
So to answer my friend's question, and anyone elses, being a nanny is NOT putting them in front of the t.v, coloring, and PB&J sandwiches. It is caring for little adults, who want to grow up too quick and need caring for.