The end of school came so fast yet SO SLOW (I know all my teachers feel me on this). Thankfully I was able to enjoy the last few days with my students and cherish those moments.
I also got to visit with my good friend Kaitlin. We met in university and have stayed friends ever since. Its awesome to say that you've known someone for 7 years and are still friends. Plus she got engaged!
The week school got out I had to quickly pack up my classroom, move it to another classroom, sort curriculum, and move other things. It was a busy and sore 2 days! That weekend I got to go to Big Bear, California. I went with my church as a youth group leader and it was such an amazing experience. Not to mention, all of us counselors are pretty rad ;)
The Monday after camp I started my summer job. I'm nannying for a little girl & boy. We are spending our days mostly swimming, going to the park and watching Magic School Bus . I love being a nanny because I get to be a kid and get paid for it!
Along with nannying, I'm also working a day camp at my school and working at Old Navy a few times a week.
This month I also got to celebrate the amazing marriage of my friend/teammate/shoulder to vent to Kymbre! Her and Mitch had the most beautiful wedding and it was filled with love & joy. Plus I got to get dressed up, be with friends/co-workers, and dance with the boy :)
I also started babysitting this little cutie! He is only 1 month old and so precious, thus it doesn't seem like work.
Looking back, June has been one heck of a month! There have been many, many ups and a few lows. No matter what though, I know I can always run to Starbucks for a blended Americano to help get me through.
Happy July!!