Friday, January 25, 2013

Friday's Letters

Today I'm in a letter writing mood... maybe it's because my students are also working on letters or maybe it's because I just love writing letters. Thankfully, Ashley also likes writing letters!

 Dear Friday, you didn't take long to get here but it's been the worst week and I'm glad it's over. Dear Students, please come to school on Monday with a much better attitude towards school! Dear Koko Fit Club, I love you. Truly, the best gym. Dear Clean Eating, I'm sticking with ya and I feel your effects! Dear Metro Pizza, I'm going to enjoy every last bite tonight! Dear Las Vegas, Thank you for the beautiful sunrises this week, the perfect "spring" weather & not being 0 degrees like Michigan. Dear Readers, Thank you for being awesome and commenting! I love them!

 If you are anything like me, the week gets very busy and time to read up on everyone's blog goes out the window. Then, on Saturday & Sunday you're trying to catch up so you don't have time to comment. Right?! Well, My FRIEND Jenn & some peeps have come up with the best solution. I'm going to use Jenn's description because it's the best.

"Allie had the genius idea for the concept of a "Weekly What" post that allows you, the awesome blogger you are, to put together a post that recaps all of your posts from earlier in the week! That way, when someone comes to your blog, say me, on Saturday morning to do some catch up reading- they can sit down and find EVERYTHING you had to say (links and all) right in ONE place. "

So you all should link-up and share your post. It'll be fun & meet new friends! Plus you could win $30!! Do IT :)


  1. hi! im stopping by fro, the blog hop! would you like to follw each other? please let me know :)


  2. Thanks for the sweet shout out about the Weekly What! You're the sweetest, Elle! :)

    I'm kind of AMAZED at how good my body feels after eating better for just 5 days. I've been 'gluten free' since Monday and I'm seriously already reaping the benefits of it. I'm glad that clean eating is doing the same for you!

  3. i've been wanting to eat clean but i need ideas! you have an tips or recipes? hope your weekend was great!


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